"From the Headlines: Global Issues, Leadership Choices"
This online class for 9th-12th graders engages students in thinking about the issues shaping the world they will inherit.
Students will read and discuss a variety of articles each week, drawn from newspapers, magazines, and online publications in the U.S. and around the world and supplemented with readings in international affairs, political science, moral philosophy, and economics as appropriate. PDFs of all readings will be provided. This discussion-based class is entirely online and should not be confused with my in-person simulation-based class "Mission Possible: Global Issues, Leadership Choices." "From the Headlines" is asynchronous to better accommodate high school students' busy and complicated schedules: students can work across time zones, submit assignments, and discuss the week's readings as their schedules permit throughout the day. This class is not self-paced, though: there are weekly deadlines with different assigned readings each week. Our "classroom" is a private Google Group. In addition to reading a new selection of articles each week, students are expected to engage in timely, thoughtful online discussion. Although this class does not involve any papers, each week students are expected to respond, in writing, to the readings and to each other's ideas, giving students ample opportunity to put their thoughts into writing. This allows everyone to participate in the discussion on an equal footing. The specific readings will vary with the semester but all assume excellent reading skills (high school+ level).
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