"Statecraft 2030: Global Issues, Leadership Choices"
This highly interactive 10-day class for rising 9th-12th graders engages students in running the world they will inherit.
As officials of imaginary countries, they will employ critical thinking skills, negotiation techniques, and problem solving methods to lead their people towards peace and prosperity. (Or will they?) Working individually and in teams, they will decide when to cooperate and when to compete, when to bargain and when to take a stand, how systems are interrelated and how to adjust to life’s surprises. The core of this class is a world affairs simulation that begins the very first day. Because the initial parameters of the simulation are determined by chance, the class is different every time. (Many students take this class more than once.) The ability to work cooperatively is a must. Daily readings in political science, international affairs, people management, current events, moral philosophy, literature, and economics provide discussion points and context for the simulation. Because I tailor the readings to the issues I see emerging in the simulation, the specific readings vary with the class but all assume excellent reading skills (high school+ level). Please note: this is a 75-minute class. Honors option: for students who would like to extend their learning, there is the option of preparing a written dossier addressing the issues and challenges facing a specific country. Because of the requirements of the simulation, this class needs at least nine students to run and is capped at 12.
"[My daughter] told me the other day that she was going to be sad when the current ["Statecraft 2030"] class ends, and she has never said that about a class before."
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